Maximised limited resources to educate patients about alternative treatment pathways for prevalent disease.
Overcoming marketing challenges by doing more with less, helping an industry leading brand to educate patients about a better route to treatment for a common condition.
Teleflex’s Urolift system revolutionised benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) treatment upon its launch in 2013.
As the first minimally invasive option to effectively treat BPH while preserving sexual function, Urolift offered significant advantages over traditional methods.
However, with new competitors emerging and disease awareness stagnating, Teleflex needed a strategic partner to reignite Urolift’s growth.
Medico delivered a multifaceted digital marketing program that drastically increased brand visibility and educated patients at scale.
Teleflex / Medico Digital
The challenges:
When Urolift launched it was a significantly disruptive treatment for BPH, becoming a preferred option to many of the previous laser based treatments due to its radically reduced recovery time and lower likelihood of severe sexual function-related side effects.
Over recent years the BPH treatment market has become more crowded with innovation, from water vapour-based therapies and improved laser techniques.
While Urolift still has every reason to be seen as a preferred treatment for BPH, brand recognition and acknowledgement as an available option is harder than ever to achieve.
Medico recognised that Teleflex were sitting on a significantly underutilised asset: - the Urolift domain was well aged, authoritative and spanning multiple geographic markets.
If we could reign in the unwieldy state of the website and provide an SEO makeover, there was a huge search volume opportunity to be capitalised on.
Educating patients about BPH and encouraging treatment, despite low disease awareness among men aged 60+Low Disease awareness
BPH can affect 1 in 3 men over the age of 50 but is less known often overshadowed thanby prostate cancer, and patients are still lacking awareness of the condition.
Teleflex wanted to spark the conversation around BPH amongst those suffering and their loved ones.
They needed a partner that could create an engaging social media campaign on a limited budget, that would be able to educate without straying outside of both industry regulations and social media platform advertising policies.
Producing impactful, compliant marketing campaigns within the constraints of a bottlenecked medical, legal and regulatory (MLR) review process
Medical device marketing is a heavily regulated field. While some organisations are well oiled machines when it comes to MLR process, enabling marketing teams to produce compliant content at will, for others it’s not as straightforward.
Typically, the less weight a company has placed on content and creative production, the slower the review process and the more difficult it is to unpick and streamline.
With severe and systemic bottlenecks, we needed to be creative about what we can do with the small volumes of marketing material that we can produce.
The solution
Starting with technical SEO, we resolved indexing issues and improved site speed and UX across 15 subdomains, increasing the average performance score from 64% to 95%.
Next, we conducted in-depth keyword research to identify high-value, relevant search terms in each market. By mapping these terms to Urolift's existing site content and optimising page titles, meta descriptions, header tags and body copy, we were able to significantly improve Urolift's search rankings and visibility.
This led to a 194% increase in search visibility in just six months - with the subdomains growing from 45 to 173 thousand monthly impressions.
BPH is a disease where awareness does not grow as it might in other areas because of the demographic of the common sufferer and the somewhat taboo nature of the problem.
Saying that men don’t talk about private problems is cliche for a reason, especially for those from the previous generations.
To spark discussion we needed:
In an effort to gently ease the stigma often associated with the BPH, we decided that light humour would be key to threading this particular needle - we wanted to cultivate an environment where people felt more comfortable addressing a topic that was generally regarded as sensitive, or taboo. But humour is subjective; we’re discussing a health condition, and it can be a tricky balance to strike for a creative team.
To craft a resonant creative campaign, we first needed to deeply understand our target audience. We conducted extensive research into the mindset, behaviours, and preferences of men aged 50-70.
This research uncovered key insights:
Armed with these learnings, we developed a social media campaign that would resonate with our audience while navigating the complexities of marketing in a highly regulated industry. The campaign leveraged relatable imagery and wordplay to grab attention and normalise the conversation around BPH.
For example, one ad featured a buffering football stream with the headline: "Don't let a weak stream ruin your game." Another used a bespoke football tactics image with the copy: "Let your team do the dribbling".
To ensure the campaign struck the right tone, we pressure-tested the creative with native speakers in each target market. This allowed us to refine the messaging and imagery to avoid any cultural missteps or lost meaning in translation.
As with all heavily regulated advertising, it can be difficult to measure the impact of disease awareness campaigns as there is no one true metric for increased awareness.
However, by encouraging interaction with your content you can gather additional data allowing you to better assess the impact of your campaigns.
Due to their more granular targeting options, the campaign was launched across Facebook and Instagram, to resounding success. In just one month, we reached over 60,000 highly targeted individuals. and drove an impressive 4% conversion rate for quiz completions.
With Teleflex's MLR process severely limiting our ability to produce new content, we had to get creative to maximise the impact of our marketing efforts.
Our strategy centred on three key tactics:
By being strategic and surgical with our content efforts, we were able to drive outsized results despite the MLR constraints.
Measuring the ROI of disease awareness campaigns can be challenging, as there is no single definitive metric for awareness. However, by designing our campaigns to drive measurable engagement, we were able to demonstrate clear value for Teleflex.
We knew that interactive digital tools on social platforms can be particularly effective in increasing awareness of health campaigns. As such, the centrepiece of our social media campaign was an interactive quiz that assessed the user's BPH symptoms. To reach the quiz, users had to click through from the social media ad, demonstrating a high level of interest and intent.
Once on the quiz, users were prompted to answer a series of questions about their symptoms. The more questions answered, the more engaged we could consider them to be with the sTeleflex brand and the Urolift solution.
With a 4% quiz completion rate, we were able to validate that our campaign was not only driving awareness but also meaningful consideration and evaluation amongst our target audience.
While not a direct sales metric, this strong engagement serves as a leading indicator of campaign success and a proxy for ROI. By educating patients and moving them down the funnel towards treatment, we were able to deliver tangible value for Teleflex and the Urolift brand.
By partnering with Medico Digital, Teleflex was able to develop a comprehensive digital marketing strategy that drastically increased visibility for their Urolift system and delivered accessible, trustworthy information about BPH to patients at scale. Through a combination of technical SEO, creative social media campaigns and strategic content optimisation, Medico helped Urolift dominate search rankings, engage hard-to-reach audiences and drive a meaningful uplift in awareness - all while navigating the complex regulatory landscape of medical device marketing.
Teleflex / Medico Digital